This donation, handed over by the Moroccan Ambassador, Abdelmalek Kettani, was received by president of the Higher Council of Imams, Mosques and Islamic Affairs of Côte d’Ivoire (COSIM), Imam Ousmane Diakité.
“The donation includes 4,500 copies, including 900 for the visually impaired, in addition to scientific documents, a gift from HM King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, to the Muslim community of Côte d’Ivoire,” said Diakité.
This new donation is a further sign of the interest of HM the King in all Muslims around the world, but in Côte d’Ivoire in particular, he added, noting that all measures will be taken to ensure proper distribution of this gift.
“We were particularly touched by the fact that His Majesty the King has thought of the blind,” he said, emphasizing in this sense the importance “to make a wide dissemination of the content of the Quran, the best book for believers”.
President of COSIM, who instructed the Moroccan ambassador to convey to HM the King his sincere thanks and deep gratitude for this concrete and generous act, noted that the historical relations between the Kingdom and Côte d’Ivoire continue to evolve quantitatively and qualitatively at all levels.
He also hailed the enormous work carried out by the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema, which aims, among other things, to unify and coordinate the efforts of Muslim Ulema, in Morocco and in other African states, in order to publicize and disseminate the values of tolerant Islam, consolidate the historical relations linking Morocco to other African states.
Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse