President Abbas discusses latest developments, efforts to end Israeli aggression with British Prime minister

President Mahmoud Abbas today met with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, where they discussed the latest development in the Palestinian arena as well as efforts currently underway to stop the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people and spare civilians from the scourge of war.

The president affirmed during the meeting the importance of providing the Strip with medical relief supplies, food, water, and electricity as soon as possible.

President Abbas stressed the State of Palestine's categorical rejection of the displacement of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, or Jerusalem.

He affirmed that peace and security are achieved by recognizing the state of Palestine and implementing the two-state solution based on international legitimacy, which encompasses the entire land of the state of Palestine in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.

For his part, the British prime minister offered his condolences over the Palestinian victims of the ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza and the West Bank, stressing his country's stance against the killing of civilians and that Britain will provide urgent humanitarian relief aid to the Strip.

He further stressed his country's commitment to the two-state solution, with Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace, and security in good neighborly relations.

This meeting was held as part of President Mahmoud Abbas's participation in the Cairo Summit Conference called for by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and as part of efforts to mobilize international support for the Palestinian position.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency - WAFA