2022 Africa Day in Nouakchott Features Moroccan Cuisine

The stand of the Kingdom, organized at the initiative of the Moroccan cultural center in Nouakchott, has offered an overview of the Moroccan culinary art with its varieties, flavors and riches that have discovered dishes and dishes that make the specificity of Moroccan cuisine.

On this occasion, Nouakchott’s Moroccan Cultural Center Director Said Jouahri said that this ceremony, initiated by the Mauritanian diplomatic academy and which took place in the presence of Ambassador to Mauritania Hamid Chabar, is part of the second edition of the African Cuisine Tasting Festival.

The Moroccan official told MAP that the Moroccan dishes have amazed the public who came in large numbers to attend this ceremony, marked by the presentation of varieties of cuisine from other African and Arab countries, including Libya, Mauritania, Sudan and Tunisia.

Speaking on this occasion, the Mauritanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Secretary General Alia Bint Yahya Ould Minkos recalled that the African Union has chosen to focus, in this year’s celebration on resilience in food security.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse