October 23, 2024
This event, organized by Lions Club International and Lions Club District 416 Morocco, under the theme "Challenges and emergencies of the Mediterranean for the 21st Century," brings together more than 25 countries and over 300 Lions to discuss several ...

This event, organized by Lions Club International and Lions Club District 416 Morocco, under the theme “Challenges and emergencies of the Mediterranean for the 21st Century,” brings together more than 25 countries and over 300 Lions to discuss several topics of common interest.

The opening ceremony of this event was attended by Lions Clubs International president Brian Sheehan, Lions District 416 Morocco governor Tarik Moudni, Minister of Solidarity, Social Integration and Family Aawatif Hayar, director general of the Moroccan News Agency (MAP), District 416 Global Leadership Team (GLT) coordinator and former district governor Khalil Hachimi Idrissi, Mediterranean Solidarity Observatory (MSO) coordinator Ali Habour, international directors, district governors and members of Lions clubs from participating countries.

Speaking on this occasion, Moudni stressed that this Conference is, without question, the major event of the Lions of the Mediterranean and a time of reunion, renewed friendship, fruitful exchanges, and assessment of the outcome and important achievements to be made, in terms of decisions, recommendations and beneficial influences.

“We have more than 20 nationalities and over 45 districts represented. Some 280 Lions and non-Lions speakers have gathered today to discuss issues that affect us and our community,” he said, noting that the main theme of the conference is “Lions, the Mediterranean challenge for the 21st century”.

Moudni explained that the theme will be declined on three axes, namely “climate emergency and social impact, commitment of Lions”, “support the role of women in the Mediterranean society” and “migrants in the Mediterranean”, noting that during these two days, a panel of speakers will discuss the various topics and present solutions and recommendations that are very useful for the communities.

For her part, Hayar praised the commitment and dedication of Lions clubs and the hard work they have done to fight hunger and malnutrition in the world, a scourge that affects many people, especially those in need, noting that Lions clubs are always at the forefront of providing assistance and support to those in need.

Health is another major issue addressed by Lions clubs, especially through the SightFirst program, she said, noting that Lions clubs are always there to fight blindness, providing care and treatment to those in need.

“I believe that their commitment makes a difference in the lives of many people,” she said, praising Lions clubs’ commitment to the environment, women, families and many other causes.

“Your work is essential to address the social, economic and environmental challenges we face today, to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals,” she said, expressing confidence that the conference will be a great success and that Lions clubs will continue to play a major role in building a better world for all, a world of peace, tolerance and cooperation.

In addition, Hayar said that Morocco, under the enlightened leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, is building the social state and has launched major programs of solidarity, including the generalization of social protection, which allowed, in 2022, all Moroccans to access health care and social protection, noting that the social assistance program will allow, in 2023, to pay family allowances to 7 million children from vulnerable families.

Sheehan said the meeting is an occasion to celebrate the accomplishments of Lions clubs districts and to look forward to new opportunities to serve, noting that “these conferences are, without a doubt, the ideal setting to strengthen our clubs, develop our districts and further our commitment to our ideals and values”.

He noted that Lions Clubs International relies on each member and each district to fulfill the mission of service in excellent conditions, adding: “We are called upon to double our capacity of commitment and mobilization, to combine our efforts in the most beautiful way, in order to carry out actions that create a difference in our communities”.

“Together, I am convinced, we can achieve incredible things, because with Lions like you leading the way, committed and fully committed Lions, nothing is impossible,” he said.

As for Habour, he expressed his joy at participating in this conference in Tangier, the city where he was inducted in 1992 as District 401 governor, the first district in Africa, noting that the city of Detroit has long been at the heart of Lionism in the Mediterranean.

This event, added Habour, will be an opportunity to discuss important social, economic and environmental issues, share information about Lions Clubs’ humanitarian projects and initiatives and create new partnerships, recalling that the main objectives of the Lions Mediterranean Solidarity Observatory are to promote the dissemination of Lionism in the Mediterranean region and to foster the dissemination and knowledge of different cultures, as an expression of a common origin and history.

This ceremony was marked by a posthumous tribute to the late Massimo Fabio, permanent secretary of the Mediterranean Solidarity Observatory, a parade of flags of participating countries and a show led by a troupe from Tangier.

This conference aims to promote mutual friendship and understanding among the Lions of the Mediterranean Sea, to compare lionistic experiences and to discuss topics and activities related to the association’s themes, to carry out joint activities and to discuss and address issues of common interest.

On the sidelines of this Mediterranean Conference, a competition is organized to promote the spirit of creativity and competitiveness within the Lionist movement.

Lions Clubs International is the world’s premier service club. It is 1.4 million women and men working together in 200 countries and territories, in 50,000 clubs, to make a lasting impact on the lives of their fellow citizens around the world.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse