Ain Samia school is under threat of Israeli demolition, says Education Ministry, calls for intervention

The Ministry of Education called on human rights and international organizations to intervene and protect Palestinian schools threatened by Israeli demolition, stressing that the threat to demolish Ain Samia School, near Ramallah, is real after the Israeli District and Supreme Courts have rejected petitions against demolishing the school. The Ministry called on the European Union and international and human rights organizations, mainly those that defend children, to take a serious stance toward this threat at a time another school, Jubb al-Deeb school near Bethlehem, is also threatened with demolition after receiving demolition orders from the occupying power. In a related context, the Ministry condemned the continued targeting by the Israeli occupation forces of students and children, storming schools, and firing bullets and tear gas at schools in the occupied territories.

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency (WAFA)