An ‘Example of Efficiency”, Relationship between Morocco and Spain is ‘Loyal and Privileged’ (Grande-Marlaska)

An "example of efficiency", the relationship between Morocco and Spain is "loyal and privileged", stressed the Spanish Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska.

"We are privileged partners in all areas of common interest, including the fight against irregular immigration and terrorism, human trafficking, security, and economic, commercial and cultural cooperation. We are two very close neighbors, beyond the strictly political sphere", Grande-Marlaska told MAP.

According to the Spanish official, who attended a reception in Madrid on Sunday hosted by Morocco's ambassador to Spain, Karima Benyaich, to mark the 24th anniversary of HM King Mohammed VI's accession to the throne of His glorious ancestors, "relations between Spain and Morocco have been important throughout history, and we have deepened them".

“We have a stable relationship, with absolute convergence and unfailing loyalty in all areas", he insisted.

“As Minister of the Interior, I can assure you that our cooperation in the fields of security, irregular immigration, human trafficking and the fight against terrorism is highly satisfactory. Our cooperation in all these areas is an example of efficiency", said Grande-Marlaska.

Congratulating His Majesty the King and the Moroccan people on the occasion of Throne Day, the Spanish Minister said that the celebration of this event is "an important day for Morocco and Moroccans, but also for countries like Spain that wish to maintain the best relations with Morocco".

''Morocco has successfully carried out reforms in social policies, equality, economic development, renewable energies, the fight against climate change and the energy and digital transition'', noted the Spanish official.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse