Bahrain’s celebration of Saudi National Day reflects depth of bilateral relations, similar stances

The Kingdom of Bahrain joins the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in its celebrations of its 93rd National Day, which is observed every September 23, in recognition of the two countries’ unique deep-rooted relations of mutual love and cooperation.

Indeed, Bahrain appreciates Saudi Arabia’s leading and influential role, regional strategic and geopolitical weight, humanitarian efforts, stances in support of just causes and tireless endeavours to promote global peace, security and stability, as well as efforts to chart the international political and economic decisions and ensure a more prosperous future for its people and the entire humanity.

Bahrain’s participation in the Saudi National Day celebrations reflects the two kingdoms’ long history of mutual love, consensus and coordinated stances, as confirmed by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, who, on various occasions, praises the deep-rooted fraternal bilateral relations, appreciates the efforts of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud to join Arab ranks, cement Arab solidarity and serve Arab causes, and lauds the influential role played by Saudi Arabia to achieve the aspirations of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Arab and Islamic countries for more security, stability and prosperity.

His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, has always expressed pride in the long-standing robust Bahraini-Saudi relations, and is keen to constantly bolster joint cooperation across various fields.

HRH the Crown Prince and Prime Minister also commended the pivotal role played by His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia, in the wide-ranging renaissance currently witnessed by his country, as well as his interest in enhancing the Bahrain-Saudi cooperation.

The celebration of the Saudi National Day is an opportunity to recall its honourable history since the era of its founder, King Abdulaziz bin Abdulrahman Al-Saud, until the reign of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, as well as shed light on its urban and civilisational renaissance, tremendous efforts to preserve the Arab and Islamic identity, care for the Two Holy Mosques and keenness to constantly improve the services delivered to pilgrims.

Saudi Arabia enjoys a well-deserved status for the following reasons:

First: Great religious role:

As the land of the Two Holy Mosques, and the holy Kaaba, Saudi Arabia has been keen, thanks to the efforts and initiatives of its leaders and people, to take care of the sacred places, by expanding them and delivering the best services to ensure that pilgrims perform their rituals easily and comfortably, earning it the acclaim and appreciation of Arab and Muslims peoples.

Second: Regional and global political weight:

Since its founding, Saudi Arabia has adopted a balanced and moderate foreign policy. It has also been committed to the region’s security and stability, by enhancing joint GCC and Arab solidarity, strengthening cooperation with Western and Asian countries, joining or hosting regional and international organisations, and using international gatherings to voice its brave and firm stances in defence of just Arab and human causes, particularly the Palestinian issue.

Third: Distinguished humanitarian role:

Saudi Arabia has become a humanitarian role model thanks to its initiatives to deliver relief aid to stricken people and alleviate the suffering of human beings wherever they are. Between 1996 and 2023, it has delivered more than $96 billion in humanitarian and relief aid, from which 167 countries benefitted. In addition, the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSRelief) has implemented approximately 2,402 humanitarian projects in 92 countries, with an estimated value exceeding six billion and 248 million US dollars. These huge amounts reflect the major role it is playing in the field of humanitarian work.

Fourth: Honourable stances:

Saudi Arabia plays an effective and influential role in resolving conflicts through dialogue, diplomacy and non-interference in countries’ domestic affairs. Moreover, it makes tireless efforts to confront terrorism and dry up its sources, back joint international action aimed at eliminating weapons of mass destruction and confront new global challenges, most notably climate change.

Fifth: Leading GCC, Arab, Islamic role:

Saudi Arabia plays a leading role at the GCC, Arab and Islamic levels. It is keen to advance the GCC bloc to make it more capable of meeting its peoples’ aspirations for progress and prosperity. In addition, it has always been committed to enhancing joint Arab and Islamic action and solidarity to enable the Arab and Islamic nations to play a greater role in the global decision-making process and ensure a more prosperous future for their peoples.

Sixth: Influential and inspiring economic role:

Thanks to its successful development plans and strategies and economic prowess, Saudi Arabia’s economy is among the 20 most powerful in the world, enabling it to play a major role in regulating the global economy, through its participation in the G20 Summit, and membership in the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Furthermore, the Saudi Vision 2030 has paved the way for the kingdom to diversify the sources of its income, by focusing on non-oil sectors.

Regarding the Bahraini-Saudi relations, they have been, and will remain unique and robust, as they are based on a shared history, mutual interests, inter-connected social fabric, and common destiny, which makes their peoples share the joy during their national days and celebrations.

Indeed, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia enjoys a special place in the heart of every Bahraini citizen. This is reflected in the festivities and events that are held across the kingdom in appreciation of Saudi Arabia and its leadership on the occasion of its National Day.

Below are the main indicators that prove the depth of the Bahraini-Saudi ties:

First: Leaders’ exchanged visits:

Bahraini and Saudi leaders always exchange visits, during which they confirm the two kingdoms’ unwavering desire to strengthen their cooperation in the political, economic, social, humanitarian, cultural and development fields to meet the aspirations of their brotherly peoples.

This is reflected in the recent visit of HM King Hamad to Saudi Arabia in May 2030, where he chaired the kingdom’s delegation to the 32nd Arab Summit, and that of HRH the Crown Prince and Prime Minister to Riyadh in October 2022.

Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister, HRH Prince Mohammed bin Salman, also visited the Kingdom of Bahrain in December 2021. During the visit, the Saudi-Bahraini Coordination Council convened its second meeting, resulting in launching 11 economic initiatives in the economic, energy, industrial and trade fields. Also, Saudi funds unveiled plans to invest $5 in development projects in the kingdom.

Second: Similar stances and visions:

The two kingdoms adopt identical stances vis-à-vis regional and international issues, in line with their approach based on achieving the interests of their peoples, safeguarding regional and global security and peace, resolving conflicts through peaceful means, and joint action to spur economic progress for various countries and peoples.

Third: High bilateral trade volume:

Saudi Arabia is Bahrain’s largest economic partner, with their trade exchanges reaching more than $9 billion in 2021, including non-oil trade worth $3.4 billion, and direct investments worth $9.96 billion, the equivalent to 30% of the balance of foreign direct investments in Bahrain at the end of September 2021. Moreover, Saudis account for about 89% of incoming tourism to Bahrain, in addition to the joint initiatives linking them in the fields of industry, trade and services.

Fourth: Shared social and cultural features, common destiny:

The two kingdoms share similar customs and traditions, based on the long-standing historical bonds, founded by the ancestors and maintained by the successive generations, resulting in a distinguished relationship of affinity and cohesion, strengthened constantly by their leaderships.

Fifth: Mutual benefits:

Bahrain and Saudi Arabia have always been keen on benefitting from each other’s economic and strategic capabilities. As a matter of fact, the ongoing development and modernisation projects, implemented under the Bahrain Economic Vision 2030 or the Saudi Vision 2030, emanate from the two kingdoms’ economic atmosphere that supports openness, diversification of sources of income and facilitating the attracting of investments in order to provide their national economies with resources necessary to ensure the sustainability of efforts to revitalise the comprehensive development process and crease more promising job opportunities for their citizens.

So, Bahrain’s participation in Saudi Arabia’s annual celebrations of its National Day is living proof of the depth of their long-standing solid fraternal ties, and shared keenness to bolster joint cooperation to ensure a more prosperous future for their peoples.

Source: Bahrain News Agency