Berrechid: Man Arrested after Exposing Police Officers to Serious Danger – Security Source

A policeman was forced to use his service weapon on Thursday evening during an intervention to arrest a 30-year-old criminal who was in a state of great agitation and who, with the help of his brother, put the police officers in serious danger, according to the Berrechid provincial security district.

A patrol from the Berrechid judicial police brigade intervened to arrest the main suspect in flagrante delicto of public drunkenness, the same source said, adding that the accused, who refused to comply, incited a ferocious breed of dog to attack the police officers, forcing the brigadier to use his service weapon to fire a warning shot that neutralized the danger.

Attempting to obstruct the arrest operation, the suspect's brother attacked the police with a bladed weapon, prompting the brigadier to fire a second warning shot to counter the aggression, the shrapnel of which accidentally hit the arm of a woman who was on the scene at the time of the intervention, the same source said.

The injured woman was taken to the hospital for treatment, while the accused was taken into police custody for the purposes of investigation supervised by the competent prosecutor's office, according to the same source, adding that searches are underway to apprehend the suspect's brother.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse