Casablanca: Seven Individuals Arrested for Alleged Involvement in Hooliganism

The security operations carried out on Wednesday evening by the services of the Casablanca police prefecture, on the sidelines of the Casablanca derby Raja-Wydad, have led to the arrest of seven individuals, including a minor, for their alleged involvement in acts of hooliganism, causing material damage to public property in addition to acts of violence against public officials during the performance of their duties, said a security source.

The execution of these operations took place before and during the game, as well as at the dispersal operation of the crowd, and allowed to arrest the accused for their involvement in acts of material damage inflicted on the stadium equipment and three police cars, noted the same source, adding that some of the defendants have targeted the elements of public forces by throwing stones, injuring four, in addition to three fans who were injured and burned following the use of smoke.

The proactive intervention operations conducted during this match have also allowed to arrest 497 unaccompanied minors around the stadium, the same source continued, noting that they were handed over to their guardians.

The suspects were placed in custody, while the minor suspect was placed under surveillance to clarify the ins and outs of this case, while investigations and research are continuing to question the other participants in these criminal acts, concluded the same source.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse