Energy Efficiency, Key to Promote Morocco’s Exports (Minister)

Casablanca - Energy efficiency and the widespread adoption of sustainable practices are key to promote Moroccan exports, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable development, Leila Benali, said on Wednesday in Casablanca. 'It is crucial to improve the competitiveness of the national economy and to promote its sustainability while strengthening its export positioning,' the minister underlined in a speech, read on her behalf by the ministry's Secretary General, Zakaria Hachlaf, during the 7th RSO International Meetings under the theme: 'Decarbonization in Morocco: Towards a Sustainable Future.' Reducing fossil fuels and mobilizing industrial stakeholders are emerging as an essential priority in the context of the energy transition, Benali noted, adding that the implementation of the national energy transition strategy will have a significant impact on the trade balance by reducing dependence on fossil fuels. To effectively support this transition, it is imperative to mobilize key stakeholders, manufactu rers and researchers to provide solid scientific and technical support, she explained. Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse