Es-Semara: Heinous Aggression ‘Will Only Strengthen Our Attachment to Moroccanness of the Sahara’ (Elected Officials)

Es-Semara - Elected officials from Es-Semara stressed that the heinous aggression that targeted the city last week will only strengthen their attachment to the Moroccanness of the Sahara and their commitment to playing a full part in the development dynamic that the southern provinces are experiencing.

In statements to MAP on the occasion of a march held on Sunday, these elected officials denounced the cowardly aggression which targeted unarmed civilians, reiterating their constant mobilization to defend the Kingdom's territorial integrity and to defeat the theses of the enemies of the homeland.

In this regard, president of the Es-Semara commune, Moulay Brahim Cherif, condemned these despicable attacks on innocent citizens.

"These threats will in no way weaken our determination to deploy even greater efforts in favor of the development of the Saharan provinces," he said, noting that the region is experiencing remarkable growth under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

Cherif pointed out that these acts of hostility hardly contribute to the settlement of the Moroccan Sahara issue, adding that the autonomy initiative presented by Morocco is the only pragmatic solution to this regional dispute.

He called on the international community to continue supporting this initiative, which is enjoying growing support, while inviting those who have been misled in the Tindouf camps to return to the motherland to live in dignity.

For his part, president of the Es-Semara provincial council, Mohamed Salem Labihi, said that the march took place to denounce the provocative acts that had targeted the city, adding that these attacks would only reinforce "our attachment to our territorial integrity and our unfailing mobilization".

He noted that the march showed the unity of Moroccans and their constant mobilization behind His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

MP Sidi Saleh Idrissi said the march was intended to denounce the "terrorist acts" perpetrated in Es-Semara against unarmed civilians.

"We can only commend the civil and military authorities under the wise leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI," he said, while calling on those detained in the Tindouf camps to return to the motherland.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse