Exchange Office: 58.8% of Trade in 2022 Was with Europe

As in previous years, most of Morocco's trade in 2022 was with Europe, with a 58.8% share, according to the Exchange Office's annual report on Morocco's foreign trade.

"Trade with Europe reaches 685.8 billion dirhams in 2022, compared with 543.8 billion dirhams, an increase of 26.1% or MAD +141.9 Bln. However, the weight of this trade in Morocco's total trade falls, from 63.4% in 2021 to 58.8% in 2022", stated the report, drawn up according to the United Nations manual (IMTS 2010).

By country, trade was mainly with Spain (27.4%), France (23.1%), Italy (7.7%), Turkey (7.2%) and Germany (6.4%), noted the same source, adding that transactions with these countries rose by 22.3%, 29.1%, 28.9%, 30.3% and 33.3% respectively.

Morocco's trade with Asia has grown by 59% in 2022. Its share of total trade has risen from 18.9% in 2021 to 22.1% in 2022.

China remains the Kingdom's leading Asian partner, with a share of 30% in 2022, down from 40.2% in 2021.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse