Foreign Ministry slams Israel’s preventing of Palestinian Christian from going to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday

RAMALLAH: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemned the Israeli occupation authorities' deprivation of Palestinian Christian citizens from the occupied West Bank from going to Jerusalem to participate in the commemoration of Palm Sunday. In a statement issued today, the Foreign Ministry considered this a crime against humanity that falls within the framework of an official Israeli policy to completely separate Jerusalem from its Palestinian surroundings, and deepen its racist colonial measures to annex it, including flooding it with huge settlement blocs and imposing more measures on the Israeli barriers and restrictions that prevent worshipers from having access to Christian and Islamic holy sites. It also condemned the escalation in the colonists' storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the provocative march of the colonists in the center of the city of Hebron under the protection of the occupation forces, in a way that is directly linked to the crimes of land seizure, the increase in the number of colonists in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the intensification of bases for terrorist extremists who commit crimes against Palestinian people and their land, sanctities, properties and towns. The Ministry considered that the international reactions to the settlements and the crimes of abusing Palestinian people and depriving them of their most basic human rights do not rise to the level of the grave violations to which the Palestinian people are exposed. It called on the UN Security Council to implement Resolution 2334 and provide international protection for Palestinian people, who are subjected to the most horrific forms of genocide, and to impose deterrent sanctions on the racist colonial occupation system and translating the international consensus on the two-state solution into serious practical steps that guarantee its protection from Israeli encroachment. Source: Palestine News and Information Agency – WAFA