Gov’t Chief, U.S. Congress Delegation Highlight Distinguished Relations Between Morocco, United States

Rabat - The distinguished relations uniting Morocco and the United States were highlighted during talks held Friday in Rabat between the head of government, Aziz Akhannouch, and a delegation from the U.S. Congress, composed of seven members representing the Democratic and Republican parties.

"The talks were an opportunity to highlight the distinguished relations uniting the Kingdom of Morocco and the United States of America, based on a strong, ambitious and diversified partnership, as well as on common constants, history and values, in perfect harmony with the enlightened vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI," the department of the head of government said in a statement.

During this meeting, Akhannouch stressed that bilateral relations "are based on several foundations, first of all the political and diplomatic component through the strategic dialogue between the two countries and the coordination of their positions on many international issues, especially that the Abraham Agreements to which Morocco has adhered constitute a diplomatic success that inaugurates a new era of peace and stability.

The head of government also mentioned the important security and military cooperation between the two countries in the fight against terrorism and organized crime, according to the same source.

He noted, in this regard, that the free trade agreement between the two countries has allowed, since its entry into force, to quadruple the volume of trade, which increased from 1.5 to 5 billion dollars, stressing that the Kingdom can offer a link and a platform for U.S. investment in the African continent.

The head of government also praised the quality of U.S. programs dedicated to supporting economic development in Morocco, in several important sectors, saying that the two compacts carried out in Morocco by the Millennium Challenge Corporation represent a model of success, given the positive impact they have had on the local population, the statement added.

Akhannouch also expressed his great satisfaction with the progress of the implementation of the second compact, which expires on March 31, 2023, noting a commitment rate that exceeds 93% and a rate of achievement of about 78%.

The two parties also reviewed the cooperation agreements in the cultural field, which help promote understanding at the human level between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Morocco and their peoples, expressing their common desire to explore new avenues to continue the fruitful cooperation, concludes the statement.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse