HM the King Sends Condolence Message to Family of Late Mohamed El-Ghaoui

In this message, the Sovereign says he learnt with great emotion the sad news of the death of the artist Mohamed El-Ghaoui, praying God to surround him with His holy mercy.

On this painful occasion, His Majesty the King expresses to the family members and relatives of the deceased and to the entire national artistic family, as well as to all his friends and admirers, His deep condolences and sincere feelings of compassion, following the passing away of a distinguished and beloved artist, one of the pioneers of the contemporary Moroccan song who marked the local musical artistic scene by a melodious and diversified discography, filled with sincere patriotism.

HM the King says he shared the feelings of the family of the deceased, while remembering, with esteem, his human qualities, patriotism, sincere attachment and his loyalty to the Glorious Alawite Throne.

The Sovereign implores the Almighty to surround the deceased with His holy mercy, to welcome him in His vast paradise, to reward him for his good deeds and to grant his relatives patience and comfort.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse