House of Advisors Wraps up 2nd Session of Legislative Year 2022-2023

The House of Advisors wrapped up, on Tuesday, the second session of the legislative year 2022-2023, of the eleventh legislature (2021-2026).

Speaking on this occasion, the speaker of the House of Advisors, Naama Mayara, said that this session witnessed a very important and unprecedented international parliamentary event, notably the organization by the Moroccan Parliament and the Interparliamentary Union, under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, of the interparliamentary congress on the dialogue between religions in Marrakech, which was marked by a royal message addressed to the participants in its proceedings.

On the legislative level, Mayara affirmed that the upper house adopted during this session, 23 bills relating to the main socio-economic projects of strategic importance, as well as projects which concern the sector of justice and freedoms, noting that a total of 257 amendments have been tabled to improve their provisions.

Regarding international cooperation, Mayara pointed out that the House of Advisors passed eight bills aimed at approving international agreements, which required seven legislative plenary sessions to vote on these texts, out of 29 sessions.

As far as concern control action, Mayara noted that this session was marked by the effective launch of the new electronic system for managing questions/answers between the components of the House of Advisors on the one hand and the Ministry responsible for relations with parliament on the other hand, adding that during the thirteen sessions held by the upper house, 20 government sectors were questioned on topical and urgent matters.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse