Israeli Recognition of Moroccanness of Sahara, Culmination of Diplomatic Efforts That Were Not Ephemeral (Lebanese Writer)

The Lebanese journalist and writer, Khairallah Khairallah, stressed that the Israeli recognition of the Moroccanness of the Sahara is the culmination of diplomatic efforts that led before that to the American recognition, which was not ephemeral.

Khairallah Khairallah wrote in an article, published Thursday in the Lebanese newspaper "An-Nahar", entitled “Israel and the Moroccanness of the Sahara…on Morocco's terms”, that the administration of US president Joe Biden confirmed what the administration of Donald Trump had done, explaining that “Morocco and the position towards it and its Sahara, was among the few points on which there was agreement between the Trump and Biden administrations.

The Lebanese journalist added that "it is more than natural that Israel recognizes the Moroccanness of the Sahara through a message sent by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to King Mohammed VI after having ensured the seriousness of the Moroccan position on the Sahara, especially since King Mohammed VI examines the relationship between the Kingdom and any other country in this vast world, however important it may be, from the point of view of the Sahara, that is to say from the point of view that the Sahara is Moroccan and is an integral part of Moroccan territory ... And there is no doubt about that”.

He stressed that “it was important for Netanyahu to confirm that this position of his country would be embodied in all relevant Israeli government actions and documents,” and that “the United Nations, regional and international organizations of which Israel is a member, as well as all countries with which Israel has diplomatic relations, will be informed of this decision.”

The author of the article added that the Israeli decision gives an idea of two things: "The first is the firm position of Morocco in handling the question of the Sahara, created from scratch by Algeria within the framework of a war of attrition that it has been waging for many years, since 1975 precisely".

The other thing is that “Israel expressed this position despite Morocco's clear stance vis-à-vis the Palestinian people, their just cause and their national rights, including the question of Al-Quds East. The King of Morocco remains the Chairman of the Al Quds Committee and the defender of the eastern part of the city, which includes Islamic and Christian holy sites, occupied by Israel since June 1967”.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse