Lower House Speaker Meets in Rabat with President of Eswatini Senate

Rabat - Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rachid Talbi El Alami held, Friday in Rabat, talks with president of the Senate of the Kingdom of Eswatini, Dlamini Lindiwe, on an official visit to the Kingdom leading a large parliamentary delegation.

In a statement, the House of Representatives said that this meeting was an opportunity for both parties to welcome the strong and distinguished relations of friendship linking the kingdoms of Morocco and Eswatini and reaffirm their determination to strengthen parliamentary cooperation between their two legislative institutions.

During this meeting, Lindiwe welcomed the strong commitment of the Moroccan Parliament to the defense of African issues, particularly those related to migration, human rights and cultural and civilizational diversity, as well as the Kingdom's policies in promoting the situation of women and gender equality.

She also emphasized the importance of exchanging experiences and expertise with the Moroccan Parliament and to mutually benefit from good practices in the legislative, administrative and technical fields, praising in this sense the depth and development of parliamentary practice in Morocco.

For his part, Talbi El Alami commended the position of Eswatini supporting the territorial integrity of Morocco, while stressing the African depth of the Kingdom and its strong commitment to strengthening South-South cooperation, particularly at the level of the continent, under the enlightened leadership of HM King Mohammed VI.

He also reviewed the powers of the House, its composition and the specificities of Moroccan parliamentary bicameralism, as well as the relations of the legislative institution with other constitutional bodies, stating the readiness of the House of Representatives to make available to the parliament of Eswatini its experience and expertise in the areas of parliamentary action, digitalization and administration.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse