Manufacturing Industries: Producer Price Index up 0.3% in April

The producer price index for the "Manufacturing industries excluding oil refining" sector rose by 0.3% in April 2023 compared with the previous month, according to the High Commission for Planning (HCP).

This rise is the result of price increases of 1.2% in the "Clothing industry", 0.6% in the "Manufacture of metal products" and "Manufacture of rubber and plastic products", 0.2% in the "Manufacture of electrical equipment" and 0.1% in the "Leather and footwear industry", explained the HCP in its recent note on the industrial, energy and mining output price index for April 2023.

It is also due to a 0.1% fall in the "Food industry", a 1.0% decrease in the "Textile industry", a 0.2% drop in the "Metal industry" and a 0.3% fall in the "Beverage industry".

Producer price indices for the "Mining and quarrying", "Electricity production and distribution" and "Water production and distribution" sectors stagnated in April 2023.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse