MAP, GAM Sign Partnership Agreement

The agreement, which defines the terms of collaboration between MAP and GAM, was inked by Khalil Hachimi Idrissi, MAP Director General, and president of GAM, Youssef Cheikhi, after a meeting between the two officials at the headquarters of the Agency.

Under this agreement, MAP and GAM decided to develop joint projects and collaborate on media support, including through the dissemination of press releases of GAM on all media of MAP and coverage of events organized by the Group of advertisers.

In a statement to the continuous news channel of MAP (M24), Cheikhi said the agreement aims first to “concretize a long-standing partnership”, noting that it is the expression of a willingness “to go increasingly on joint projects” and “develop and animate the marketing ecosystem, digital communication and media”.

“MAP has undergone a remarkable transformation. Today we are pleased to sign this partnership to move forward together in the service of the media landscape and information of Morocco, but also in the service of members of GAM,” said GAM head, stressing the need to “have strong media” in a context marked by the development of social networks and the emergence of new modes of consumption of information.

The meeting of Hachimi with Cheikhi was an opportunity to make an overview of the national media landscape, marked among other things by rapid changes dictated by developments in the Covid-19 pandemic and an overlap of social media (networks, web TV …) and traditional media (press, radio, television).

Hachimi Idrissi and Cheikhi agreed on the centrality of preserving national media sovereignty in a context marked by the proliferation of fake news, noting, in this sense, that since the beginning of the pandemic, the official media are increasingly sought as sources of reliable and verified information.

The signing of this partnership agreement is part of efforts to consolidate national media sovereignty, a project supported by the Moroccan News Agency, an institution that has gone from being an “old-fashioned” agency to a “true public information pole” in 10 years.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse