Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity Takes Action to Aid Earthquake Victims

On high instructions from His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity is taking action to assist those impacted by the earthquake that occurred in multiple provinces of the Kingdom on Friday, announced Abdelatif Motadid, head of the Foundation's projects, on Sunday in Taroudant.

In a statement to MAP, Motadid emphasized that the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, working in conjunction with all partners, notably the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, and local authorities, has mobilized all logistical and human resources required to guarantee the efficient execution of this operation.

In the Taroudant province, the Foundation is aiding families impacted by the earthquake through the provision of immediate shelter, distribution of blankets and food, and medical assistance from specialized teams.

The communes of Ounain, Sidi Abdelah Oussid, and Tafnoukt are the primary focus of these efforts, the same source specified.

The Ministry of the Interior released a statement at 7:30 p.m. confirming that the death toll from the September 8 earthquake, which impacted multiple provinces and prefectures of the Kingdom, is now at 2,122 with 2,421 reported injuries.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse