Morocco Earthquake: 2,681 Dead and 2,501 Wounded (Interior Ministry Update)

An updated toll from the earthquake that shook some Moroccan provinces and prefectures on September 8 has put the number of dead at 2,681 and the number of injured at 2,501 up to 03.00 p.m. on Monday, the Ministry of the Interior said in a statement.

The tremor killed 1,591 people in the province of Al Haouz and 809 in the province of Taroudant, the ministry said, adding that 2,530 of the dead had been buried.

No new deaths have been reported in the provinces and prefectures of Ouarzazate, Marrakech, Azilal, Agadir Ida Outanane, Grand Casablanca, Youssoufia and Tinghir, noted the same source.

The public authorities are continuing their efforts to rescue, evacuate and help the injured, and are mobilizing all necessary resources to respond to the repercussions of this painful tragedy.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse