Morocco, Key Player for Stability in Euro-Mediterranean Area (Spain’s FM)

“Morocco is a major partner for the European Union. The Kingdom is a fundamental country for the stability of the Euro-Mediterranean area that we share between Europe and Africa and Europe and the Maghreb,” Albares stressed in an interview with M24, MAP’s 24-hour news channel, on the occasion of the 12th Moroccan-Spanish High Level Meeting held in Rabat on Wednesday and Thursday.

“Morocco plays a key role in the stability and development of the entire Euro-Mediterranean region,” said Spain’s top diplomat.

Therefore, he noted, “just as the relationship between Spain and Morocco is mutually beneficial, so is the relationship between Morocco and the EU.”

Furthermore, Albares highlighted the reforms and modernization process that Morocco has undergone in recent years.

“The modernizing dynamism of the last decades in Morocco is undeniable. The progress of the modernization of Morocco is a fact that can be seen if we look at the last 20 or 30 years,” noted the Spanish minister.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse