Morocco UNHRC Presidency, Crowning Achievement of Its Human Rights Record (Arab Observatory for Human Rights)

Morocco's election to the presidency of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) for 2024 is a recognition of the Kingdom's achievements in democracy and a concrete expression of its continued commitment to the African continent, stressed Portuguese human rights expert Luzia Moniz. In a statement to MAP, the President of the Platform for the Development of African Women in Portugal highlighted Morocco's achievements in democracy and human rights over the years, its active presence in Africa, and its strong dedication to the continent's issues as well as its strong involvement in various initiatives and actions at international level. She also emphasized that Morocco's leadership of this UN body is a significant asset for Africa. Moniz, an Angolan-origin journalist and writer, sees Morocco's election as "very beneficial for the African continent" in the current international context marked by tensions and conflicts. She believes that it will contribute to finding solutions to issues of paramount int erest to Africa and the Middle East and address persistent conflicts worldwide. Moniz expects that Morocco's presidency will also play a role in proposing solutions related to human rights, women's rights, gender equality, and various issues promoting rights in Africa and globally. Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse