Newspaper Review: Terror attacks by Israeli settlers focus of dailies

Palestinian Arabic-language dailies focused today on the ongoing wave of state-sponsored Israeli settler terrorism against Palestinians across the occupied West Bank. These are the main headlines of the three main dailies: Al-Quds: Two Palestinians murdered [by Israeli occupation forces] in Kafr Aqab and Askar Refugee Camp. Israeli settler [militias] attack the villages of Umm Safa and Al-Mughayir , burning vehicles and destroying residential structures. Thousands demonstrate in Haifa against Israeli police's inaction against crime. [Tens of thousands of Israelis] resume protests against Netanyahu. Palestinian observers: The Israeli army's intensification of its field activities in the West Bank overshadows an explosive situation. Al-Hayat Al-Jadida: Two Palestinians murdered [by Israeli occupation forces] in Kafr Aqab and Askar Refugee Camp. Israeli settlers continue their arson attacks [in the occupied West Bank]. 5-year-old child Palestinian child Khaled Akram Malalha undergoes enucleation after being injured by an Israeli rubber bullet during confrontations that erupted near the village of Bazaria, northwest of Nablus. Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh briefs a delegation from the Arab League on the Israeli occupation's violations. The Israeli occupation army admits that the ongoing settler attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank are nationalist terrorism in the full sense of the term. [Tens of thousands of Israelis] resume protests against Netanyahu. Thousands demonstrate in Haifa against Israeli police's inaction against crime. Al-Ayyam: Two Palestinians murdered [by Israeli occupation forces] at Qalandia checkpoint and in Askar Refugee Camp. 5-year-old Palestinian child undergoes enucleation after being injured by an Israeli rubber bullet. Army-backed Israeli settlers attack the village of Umm Safa and establish an outpost near the village of Deir Istya. President Mahmoud Abbas receives a delegation from the Arab League. Thousands demonstrate in Haifa against Israeli police's inaction against crime. [Tens of thousands of Israelis] resume protests against [Netanyahu government]'s judicial overhaul plan.

Source: En - Palestine news & Information Agency - WAFA