PLO welcomes Australia’s resumption of use of the term ‘Occupied Palestinian Territories

Hussein al-Sheikh, Secretary General of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), today welcomed Australia's resumption of use of the term 'Occupied Palestinian Territories' in its literature in reference to the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, occupied by Israel since 1967. 'We welcome the Australian Foreign Minister's statement and the Australian government's intention to use the term 'Occupied Palestinian Territories, including East Jerusalem,' as well as considering Israeli settlements illegal,' said al-Sheikh in a statement. 'This appreciative position is an important step on the road to applying international legitimacy and binding Israel to it and to international law,' he added. Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong announced on Tuesday that her government will return to using the term "Occupied Palestinian Territories,' including East Jerusalem, in all its literature, in addition to deeming Israeli settlements illegal as per international law.

Source: En - Palestine news & Information Agency - WAFA