President Abbas discusses developments with French counterpart

President Mahmoud Abbas received a phone call from French President Emmanuel Macron during which they discussed the escalating situation in the region. During the phone call, President Abbas emphasized that the current escalation in the region is a result of the political impasse, the denial of the Palestinian people's legitimate right to self-determination and the establishment of their independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital, the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, their land, and their sacred sites, and the continued terrorism of Israeli settlers. He also highlighted the international community's silence, which has encouraged the Israeli occupation to commit more crimes, as witnessed in Gaza, the West Bank, including Jerusalem, where hundreds of Palestinian civilians have lost their lives, thousands have been injured, and many have been taken captive. The President stated that ending the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land with East Jerusalem as its capital, recognizing the Palestinian people's right to independence and sovereignty, and granting full UN membership would ensure security, stability, and peace in the region. He stressed that the failure to implement international legitimacy and international law against Israel and the ongoing injustice and oppression faced by the Palestinian people are pushing matters toward an explosion that no one will be able to endure, emphasizing the need for international protection for the defenseless Palestinian civilians who are facing a brutal Israeli aggression. President Abbas called on President Macron to urgently intervene to halt the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people by Israeli occupation forces and extremist settler groups.

Source: En - Palestine news & Information Agency - WAFA