Prime Minister discusses API revival, promotion of state recognition with LAS chief

CAIRO, Wednesday, May 31, 2023 (WAFA) - Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh today discussed the revival of the Arab Peace Initiative (API) and the promotion of the recognition of the Palestinian state with League of Arab States (LAS) chief Ahmed Aboul Gheit. Speaking during a meeting at the headquarters of the LAS General Secretariat in Cairo, Prime Minister Shtayyeh and LAS Secretary-General Aboul Gheit tackled the future trajectories of the Palestinian Question and the efforts to promote international and European recognition of the State of Palestine, revive API and coordinate Arab efforts to support Palestine at international forums. The meeting was attended by Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Minister Riad Malki, Interior Minister General Ziad Hab al-Reeh, Transport Minister Assem Salem, Palestinian Ambassador to Cairo Diab Al Louh and Deputy Finance Minister Farid Ghannam. Pointing to formidable challenges to the Palestinian Question and the Arab nation in light of regional variables, Prime Minister Shtayyeh pointed to the need to keep the Arab nation and Palestine at the forefront of the international agenda within the framework of closely intertwined Arab-international interests. He briefed LAS chief Aboul Gheit on the latest political developments on the Palestinian arena, Israeli army and settler assaults, extrajudicial killings, Israeli incursions, land grab, colonial settlement expansion and the illegal deductions from the Palestinian tax revenues. He concluded the meeting by commending Aboul Gheit and LAS on their efforts in support of Palestine and the Palestinian people's legitimate right to establish an independent State, with Jerusalem as its capital, and the right of the refugees to return.

Source: En - Palestine news & Information Agency - WAFA