Quake in Turkey: Moroccan Embassy in Ankara Provides Telephone Numbers for Moroccan community

A statement by the diplomatic representation said that "the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Ankara informs members of the Moroccan community residing in the Republic of Turkey that it provides them with e-mail addresses and telephone numbers to communicate with members of the embassy".

The embassy can be contacted via the following telephone numbers: 00903124376020, 00903124376021, 00905346871318, 00905550372743, and 00905349205305.

Or through the following emails: ambassademarocankara@gmail.com/ marocamb.ankara@maec.gov.ma.

The embassy said it learned with great sadness the reports of many deaths and injuries in the deadly earthquake that hit southern Turkey, offering its deepest condolences to the Republic of Turkey, the presidency, the government and the people, as well as to the families of the victims, according to the statement.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse