Rabat: Lower House Speaker Meets with President of Quebec National Assembly

Rabat - Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rachid Talbi El Alami, met Thursday in Rabat, with president of the National Assembly of Quebec, Nathalie Roy, and the delegation accompanying her.

These talks take place on the occasion of the participation of Roy in the procceedings of the Meetings of the Network of Women MPs and the Parliamentary Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie (APF) that the Moroccan parliament hosts on March 1-3.

During the talks, the two parties welcomed the achievements made in the relations between the two institutions, as well as those of the Joint Parliamentary Committee and the results of its successive sessions, said the House of Representatives in a statement, noting that these sessions have helped strengthen ties and coordinate in several areas of parliamentary priority, namely migration, security, counter-terrorism, digital transition, climate change, environmental protection and green economy, trade, investment and tourism, scientific research, education and teaching, women's affairs, in addition to diversity and linguistic and cultural pluralism.

The talks have also focused on the importance of parliamentary coordination, through the holding of the Joint Parliamentary Committee as soon as possible, the ongoing dialogue at local, regional and international levels, the exchange and sharing of experiences and parliamentary expertise, while considering the creation of new innovative spaces to capitalize on the achievements, said the same source.

The meeting was, moreover, an opportunity to present the parliamentary experience of the House of Representatives and the National Assembly of Quebec and examine several regional and international issues that require a unified parliamentary action, concluded the same source.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse