Relentless Israeli bombardment of Gaza is shocking, says UNRWA Commissioner General

Philippe Lazzarini, the Commissioner General for the UN Refugees and Works Agency (UNRWA), has expressed his shock at the amount of devastation in Gaza resulting from the ongoing indiscriminate Israeli bombardment of the territory. "The relentless bombardment by the Israeli forces of the Gaza Strip is shocking," said Lazzarini in a press statement. The UNRWA Commissioner General said he visited a school in Gaza hosting thousands of displaced persons. "The place was overcrowded. The level of distress and the unsanitary living conditions were beyond comprehension. Everyone was asking for water and food. Instead of being at school to learn, children were asking for a sip of water and a loaf of bread. It was heartbreaking." He said basic services, including health care, are collapsing, while fuel, medicine, food and water are all running out. The UN official pointed out that the streets of Gaza have also started overflowing with sewage, which will cause a massive health hazard very soon. "Depriving a whole population of items essential for survival is collective punishment. It is a violation of international humanitarian law," Lazzarini warned.

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency