SIAM-2023: Opportunity to Forge Links between Moroccan, British Companies (Hill)

The 15th International Agricultural Exhibition in Morocco (SIAM), scheduled from 02 to 07 May 2023 in Meknes, is an opportunity to forge links between Moroccan and British companies through various B2B meetings, said the Consul General of the United Kingdom in Casablanca and Country Director of the Department of Business and Trade of the UK, Tom Hill.

"As the guest of honor of this edition of SIAM, the United Kingdom will have a space of 400m ², located in the heart of the International Pole. This space will have more than 30 British companies representing the key sectors of agriculture, including agro-technology, machinery, sustainable development, horticulture and logistics, "said Hill in an interview with MAP.

He added that a diverse program has been developed, where more than 60 British experts in the sector will take part in panels including the themes of water scarcity, investment in sustainable agriculture, research and development, biodiversity and agri-tech.

The SIAM, which comes to crown several achievements, not only in the agricultural sector, but also in other key sectors, subject to collaboration between Morocco and the United Kingdom, is also an opportunity to present and celebrate British products, noted Hill, adding that his country will be represented by a delegation of over 70 experts and representatives of the British government, chaired by the British Minister for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Rt Hon Lord Richard Benyon.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse