The International Commission for Solidarity with Palestinian People Highlights Morocco’s Strong Commitment to Palestinian Cause

The International Commission for Solidarity with the Palestinian People has affirmed that HM King Mohammed VI's speech on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the Sovereign's accession to the throne of His glorious ancestors underlines "the depth of the Kingdom's commitment to the Palestinian cause".

In a press release, the Commission emphasized that during His speech, HM the King highlighted the State of Israel's recognition of Morocco's sovereignty over its Southern Provinces. The Sovereign also reiterated Morocco's steadfast and consistent stance in support of the just Palestinian cause and the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, including the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Al-Quds as its capital.

Furthermore, the Commission commended His Majesty King Mohammed VI's pivotal role in supporting Palestine, both on the international stage and at the local level in Al-Quds and its community. As the Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, the Sovereign actively backs projects in the city and advocates for its inhabitants across various domains, thus reaffirming the Kingdom's unwavering policy and position of support for the Palestinian cause.

The Commission also expressed its gratitude to the Kingdom for its chairmanship of Bayt Mal Al Quds, which continues to provide all forms of support to strengthen the resilience of the inhabitants of the Holy City, considering that "this position is not surprising on the part of Morocco and its Sovereign" and underlines the depth of relations between the Kingdom and Palestine, government and people.

The Commission also congratulated HM the King on the 24th anniversary of His accession to the throne of His glorious ancestors.

The International Commission for Solidarity with Palestinian People, chaired by Talaâ Saoud Atlassi and headquartered in Rabat, is a commission of the Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization (AAPSO) and includes peace and solidarity committees from 15 African, Asian and European countries.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse