US lawmakers demand an end to settler terrorism in occupied Palestine

Several members of the US Congress have expressed their outcry over the ongoing wave of state-backed Israeli settler terrorism against Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territories. Congressman André Carson said in a tweet, 'There must be accountability and justice for Palestinians, including US citizens, whose lives and property are at risk at the hands of violent, armed Israelis acting under the protection of the Israeli military. This Israeli settler violence must end.' Meantime, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib said 'Silence and expressions of concern without action while the extremist apartheid Israeli government intensifies its campaign of violence, terror and death is shameful.' 'Our country funds this violent and racist government with close to $4B. It's time that ends,' Tlaib added in a tweet. US Rep. Chuy Garcia also tweeted, 'I have received reports that constituents, friends, and their families visiting loved ones in Palestine have faced violent threats from Israeli settlers during the recent raids on villages in the occupied West Bank.' 'Even as my colleagues and I work with authorities to stop the current settler attacks, Palestinians will continue to face threats to their homes, livelihoods, and safety. As a close ally of Israel, the US can't continue to tolerate systemic violence against Palestinians,' he continued.

Source: En - Palestine news & Information Agency - WAFA