West Jerusalem Israeli municipality demolishes Palestinian-owned 16-apartment building

The Israeli municipality of West Jerusalem today demolished a 16-apartment Palestinian-owned residential building in Anata neighborhood, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext it was built without a permit, according to local sources. They said a large police force surrounded the area where the 6-story building was located before a bulldozer started to knock it down. The building has three apartments on every floor, each 150 square meters in area, and the first floor was inhabited while the others were still in the construction stage. The Israeli municipality issued last month dozens of demolition orders against Palestinian-owned buildings in East Jerusalem under the pretext of construction without a permit, which is something Jerusalem's Palestinian residents know is almost impossible to get from a racist municipality that seeks to increase the number of Jews in the occupied city while decreasing its indigenous Palestinian residents by not issuing them building permits.

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency (WAFA)