October 17, 2024

During this ceremony, which took place in the presence of the Wali of the region of Casablanca-Settat, governor of the prefecture of Casablanca, Said Ahmidouch, the president of the Council of the region, Abdellatif Maâzouz and many civil and military personalities, prayers were raised in memory of the late HM King Mohammed V and the late HM King Hassan II, may God have Their souls.

Prayers were also raised to preserve His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and to fulfill the Sovereign in the persons of HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, HRH Princess Lalla Khadija, HRH Prince Moulay Rachid and all members of the illustrious Royal Family.

On this occasion, the president of the Jewish communities of Morocco, Serge Berdugo said he was happy and proud to “receive in this place and holy day of Yom Kippur the honorable personalities”, noting that the year 5783/2022 was marked by the decision of the Commander of the Faithful, HM King Mohammed VI, to provide the Jewish Community with a new legal status.

“It is a refounding act of a new Jewish Community which is part of the evolution of modern Morocco and will allow the development of the values of Moroccan Judaism both within the country and abroad for the influence of the Kingdom,” said Berdugo.

The architecture proposed by the Ministry of the Interior and approved by the Sovereign “meets the wishes expressed by the community bodies”, he said, noting that a National Council of Moroccan Judaism will ensure the management of communities throughout the national territory, and a Commission whose members will be appointed by the Sovereign will represent the diaspora of Moroccans of the Jewish faith residing abroad.

He added that within the framework of this new statute, a Foundation will have as its object to “safeguard, perpetuate and enhance the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Moroccan Judaism as an integral part of Moroccan civilization”, noting that while waiting for the promulgation of laws and application decrees and the establishment in the near future of an appropriate representation of the Jewish populations of Morocco, “it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to take initiatives allowing for a consensual and harmonious evolution of community life”.

Berdugo took this opportunity to review the many actions and initiatives aimed at preserving the Jewish cultural and religious heritage, citing in this regard, the inauguration of the Assayag Synagogue in Tangier, the official opening of the Jewish Museum Space of Tangier within the Assayag Synagogue, the launching of the Center for Studies and Research on Judaism in Northern Morocco (CJNM), the inauguration of the rehabilitated Cemetery, the El Kahal Synagogue, and the Mikve (ritual bath) in Assilah built in 1860 and the rehabilitation of the Cemeteries of Larache and the rescue of the tomb of the Tzadik Yossef Hagalili in the very heart of the Medina of Larache

Berdugo also cited the Hilloula of the Tsadikim of Meknes, which coincided with the inauguration of the rehabilitated Cemetery of the old Mellah of the city, and which had a “beautiful attendance with more than 400 pilgrims and 10 great rabbis from around the world.

The President of the Jewish Communities of Morocco was keen to stress that in this phase of profound change, “it is the duty of everyone to mobilize to ensure the consensus within the Community and the sustainability of the tangible and intangible heritage of Moroccan Judaism.

The ceremony was attended by members of the Jewish community who came to celebrate this sacred day in an atmosphere of emotion and piety.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse