200 professors, international law experts show support for South Africa’s case against Israel

WASHINGTON: Around 200 professors and international law experts announced their full support for the lawsuit filed by the South African government before the International Court of Justice against the government of Israel, for violating the 1948 Genocide Convention. In a letter published by them, they said that "as scholars and practitioners in international law, genocide studies, international studies, and similar fields related to global justice, we express our full support for South Africa's lawsuit before the International Court of Justice as a step towards a necessary ceasefire in Gaza, and achieving Justice in Palestine." It is noteworthy that South Africa began its proceedings before the International Court of Justice on December 29, 2023, against the State of Israel, asking the court to recommend taking temporary measures to stop the genocide committed by Israel against the Palestinian people in Gaza, which led to the killing of nearly 23,000 people, most of whom are women and children. Source: Pa lestine news and Information Agency – WAFA