31st Session of Supreme Council of Ulema Wraps up

The Supreme Council of Ulema wrapped up, on Saturday in Rabat, its 31st ordinary session, held with the High Approval of HM King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful.

The closing session, held at the end of commission meetings and the drafting of their reports, was attended by Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs, Ahmed Toufiq, Secretary General (Al Amine) of the Supreme Council of Ulema, Mohamed Yessef, and the Council's Secretary General, Saïd Chabar.

In a statement to the press, Chabar said that the closing session of this meeting was marked by the presentation of the results of the reports of the various commissions, which unanimously underlined the determination of the Ulema to pursue their mission of guiding citizens in the religious domain under the solicitude of the Commandery of Faithful.

Chabar noted that the Scientific Fatwa Commission had worked on a large number of fatwas submitted to it, making proposals and formulating responses to the institutions and organizations that had requested it.

The closing session of this 31st ordinary meeting of the Supreme Council of Ulema was also marked by the reading of a message submitted to the Commander of the Faithful, HM King Mohammed VI.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse