October 19, 2024
Nezha Alaoui M'Hammdi, Dean of the Arab Diplomatic Corps accredited in Addis Ababa, who spoke at the celebration of the World Day of Arabic Language (December 18) in the Ethiopian capital by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), th...

Nezha Alaoui M’Hammdi, Dean of the Arab Diplomatic Corps accredited in Addis Ababa, who spoke at the celebration of the World Day of Arabic Language (December 18) in the Ethiopian capital by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the League of Arab States and UNESCO, stressed the need to ensure the intensification of the teaching of Arabic and strengthen its use in the media and regional and international organizations with the United Nations at the head.

The World Day of Arabic Language is an opportunity to highlight the great contributions that this language has made to human civilization, including through its distinguished arts, architecture, literature, calligraphy and all its valuable wealth, said the Moroccan diplomat.

The role of Arabic was not limited to the production of books of literature, history and science, the Arabic language having rather a role of mediator and guarantor of ancient philosophies, mathematical and astronomical sciences.

It contributed to the transfer of Greek and Roman sciences, knowledge and philosophies to the European continent during the Renaissance, noted Ms. Alaoui M’Hammdi.

The Arabic language, as one of the pillars of cultural diversity of humanity, in addition to being one of the most spoken languages in the world, is now among the six international languages adopted by the United Nations, she said.

This language is the means of communication of about sixty countries and is considered an official language for twenty-six of them (more than 400 million people), said the diplomat, recalling that the Arabic language is distinguished by the vastness and richness of its vocabulary that exceeds twelve million words.

This celebration was marked by the presentation of shows performed by students from schools in Arab countries in Addis Ababa, poems of prominent Arab poets and a parade of traditional dress of Arab countries.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse