Al Haouz Earthquake: SOS Fake News

The earthquake that struck the province of Al Haouz on Friday 08 September is the subject of several Fake news stories. MAP sorts out what's fake and what's real:

- The electronic newspaper "Alhayat Alyaoumia ?????? ???????" published a video in which an octogenarian earthquake survivor, suffering from a mental illness, answered questions from the journalist of this electronic site who, while exploiting the elderly man's vulnerability, deviously tried to get him to declare that he had received no help from the authorities, and that he had been able to buy a tent on his own, thanks to the help of certain benefactors. FALSE.

Cross-checks carried out by MAP with local authorities totally contradict these allegations, as evidenced by another video in which the same survivor, who lives in the douar Ait Amr, (Sidi Abdellah Oussaid Commune, Caidat Agli), admits to having benefited from a tent provided by the authorities.

- A video published by an "influencer" active on TikTok reports a shortage of medical equipment at the Mohammed VI University Hospital in Marrakech, where citizens are allegedly asked to procure the medicines they need for their treatment themselves. FALSE.

When contacted by MAP, the hospital's management flatly denied the assertions made in the video, stating that the hospital was operating normally and that there was no shortage of medical equipment.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse