Arab Parliament expresses confidence in success of Arab Summit in Bahrain

Cairo, Adel Al Asoomi, Arab Parliament Speaker, has commended the tremendous efforts exerted by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa to support mechanisms to enhance joint Arab action, safeguard regional security and stability, as well as bolster Arab cooperation across various fields. Al Asoomi made the statements while chairing the third meeting of the fourth legislative term of the Arab Parliament, held today at the Arab League's headquarters here. He asserted that the Kingdom of Bahrain, under the leadership of HM King Hamad, attaches utmost importance to ensuring the success of the 33rd Arab Summit, set to be held in Bahrain next month. He said that this year's Arab Summit will be held amid the critical situation the region is going through, which requires stepping up Arab coordination to join ranks and confront all challenges. Al Asoomi expressed the Arab Parliament's confidence that the Bahrain Summit will be successful and exceptional, thanks to HM the King's enlightened vision and the suppor t of the government, led by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hama Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, for efforts to strengthen Arab solidarity in the face of the current challenges. He underlined the Arab Parliament's support for Bahrain's efforts to ensure the success of the pan-Arab Summit, which will contribute to consolidating joint Arab action and coordination, as well as reaching effective solutions to the crises facing the region. Source: Bahrain News Agency