Council of Government to Convene on Thursday

At the beginning of its proceedings, the Council will examine a bill approving a draft decree setting the provisions relating to the National Press Council, said Monday a statement by the department of the head of government.

The Council will then consider three draft decrees, the first of which concerns the extension of the duration of the state of health emergency throughout the national territory to combat the spread of Covid-19, while the second relates to the determination of the threshold of the compulsory health insurance scheme for people unable to cover the costs of subscription.

The third draft decree is related to the Board of Directors of the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) regarding the compulsory health insurance scheme for people unable to cover the costs of subscription, according to the same source.

The Council will continue its proceedings by examining the Convention 118 on the Equality of Treatment of Nationals and Non-Nationals in Social Security, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organization at its forty-sixth session held in Geneva on June 28, 1962, with a draft law under which it approves this Convention.

The Council will conclude its work by considering proposals for appointment to high office in accordance with the provisions of Article 92 of the Constitution.

The government will hold, at the end of the Council’s proceedings, a meeting dedicated to the examination of some proposals of law, concludes the statement.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse