Dakhla-Oued Eddahab, Investment Destination in Gobal Context Marked by Crisis (Upper House Speaker)

Speaking at the opening of a regional forum organized by the House of Advisors under the theme "advanced regionalization and the challenges of integrated territorial development: the Dakhla-Oued Eddahab region as a model," Miyara said that this region is promising thanks to the huge and multiple economic potential, in addition to its geographical location which makes it a gateway to Morocco to its African depth.

The Dakhla-Oued Eddahab region, he added, presents an economic offer that is not confined to one sector without another, adding that "fisheries resources provide the raw material for the food industry, water reserves offer the possibility of the emergence of an agricultural sector and the geographical location makes the area attractive to revive tourism of the desert and the sea."

Miyara stressed that these elements are the subject of a regional measure but with a broad national vocation, since this region is also framed by the New Development Model of the Southern Provinces.

He noted that this region is now promoting the advocacy for the success of the development choice, and for the existence of a political will to experiment a new mode of management that gives the local population the opportunity to manage its area through the rules of democracy and elections, adding that regionalization gives those who lead it the legitimacy to speak on behalf of the population and of its claims and choices.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse