Delegation of Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema Meets with Ethiopian Officials

Led by the Foundation's Secretary General, Mohamed Rifki, the delegation composed of Nacer Bousbaa, Othman Sqalli Houssaini, Mohamed Maghraoui and Aicha Robai, was received respectively at the headquarters of their department by the Ethiopian Minister of State for Peace Taye Danda, the Secretary General of Ethiopia’s Inter-religious Council Tamerat Abegaz, and the President of the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs, Ibrahim Tufa.

During these interviews which took place in the presence of the Moroccan Ambassador to Ethiopia and Djibouti, Nezha Alaoui M'Hammdi, Mohamed Rifki reviewed the missions undertaken by the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema under the presidency of HM King Mohammed VI, Amir Al Mouminine (Commander of the Faithful), and its actions and initiatives in favor of the Ulema of African countries.

Rifki also highlighted the Foundation’s efforts in disseminating in the different African countries the values of tolerance, coexistence, openness, solidarity and brotherhood advocated by Islam, reiterating the readiness of the Foundation Mohammed VI of the African Ulema to support the African Ulema, including those of Ethiopia in view of their central role in the supervision of society and thus work for a prosperous Africa in peace and quiet in accordance with the Islamic noble values.

On Sunday evening, the Foundation organized a brilliant ceremony on the occasion of the closing of the 4th edition of the national contest of memorization, recitation and psalmody of the Holy Quran organized in Addis Ababa, by the Foundation's section in Ethiopia.

On this occasion, the High Solicitude of HM King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, for the Holy Quran and the African Ulema was highly praised by Ethiopian religious personalities and political and associative figures.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse