October 16, 2024
Rabat - The General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) and Bank Al-Maghrib (Morocco's Central Bank) signed, here Monday, two agreements, covering respectively the authorization to use the technical features of the National Electronic Identity Car...

Rabat – The General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) and Bank Al-Maghrib (Morocco’s Central Bank) signed, here Monday, two agreements, covering respectively the authorization to use the technical features of the National Electronic Identity Card (CNIE) and the site and cash-in-transit security.

The two agreements, signed consecutively in accordance with the provisions of Law 04-20 on the CNIE and Law 40-17 on the Statute of Bank Al-Maghrib, consolidate the partnership framework between the two entities, the two parties state in a joint press release.

The first agreement, entitled ‘memorandum of understanding on the authorization of Bank Al-Maghrib to use the CNIE’s technical features’, is meant to strengthen identity verification mechanisms in order to simplify procedures and digitalize services, as well as to combat identity fraud.

It aims to provide Bank Al Maghrib with the national trusted third party services, developed by the DGSN, while enabling it to make sure of its users identity and read t
heir identity data automatically from their CNIE, with their consent, at Bank AlMaghrib’s premises or remotely via its online services.

The second agreement, entitled “Partnership Agreement on site and cash-in-transit security”, aims to formalize the existing cooperation between DGSN and Bank Al-Maghrib in the security of this institution’s sites and the cash-in-transit, as well as to enhance this cooperation, namely by running regular awareness-raising campaigns and simulation exercises.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse