October 25, 2024
Rabat - In 2023, the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) sought to diversify and strengthen security communication mechanisms to reinforcing the feeling of safety, support the work of operational security services, and highlight the securi...

Rabat – In 2023, the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) sought to diversify and strengthen security communication mechanisms to reinforcing the feeling of safety, support the work of operational security services, and highlight the security measures adopted during major events organized in the Kingdom.

In this regard, DGSN underlines in a press release on its results for 2023, that the security communication services carried out a total of 4,955 communication activities, including 1,488 information missions, divided between press releases and information on security service issues and crimes affecting the sense of safety, as well as the publication of 56 clarifications to counter fake news, in addition to producing 2,873 video reports, in partnership with several national and international television channels and media.

In the field of digital communication, DGSN services disseminated 538 items of content via their accounts on the various social networks to shed light on the reality of certain
crimes and counter fake news, particularly those linked to the consequences of the earthquake that struck some regions of the High Atlas, the same source adds.

The regular work of police services was also supported, with the number of subscribers to official DGSN accounts reaching 1,127,944, including 480,944 on X (ex-Twitter), 440,000 on Facebook and 207,000 on Instagram, it points out.

The communication services continued to publish police reviews on its electronic platforms, to give everyone access to security information. They also archived and published a number of back issues to document police history, with a view to digitizing back issues from 1961 onwards.

Still on the digital front, the communications departments produced a number of awareness-raising videos for the general public, including a capsule on DGSN Open Days event and one on the police competitive examination, as well as other institutional content, including the video presented by the Kingdom of Morocco to host the 93rd session of the
Interpol General Assembly in 2025, and the one on the sacrifices made by the public forces during the aid and assistance operations for the victims of the Al Haouz earthquake, for which the DGSN won the prize for the best Arab awareness capsule in the field of societal policing.

In connection with this natural disaster, the communication services devoted a large part of their work to tracking down the fake news that circulated during the earthquake’s aftermath management phase, and shedding light on the actions taken by DGSN services to help the victims and reduce the effects of this catastrophe, adding that the content published on this subject was widely echoed among citizens insofar as certain posts and tweets collected more than 290,000 views and 4,800 likes.

In 2023, the DGSN also organized the 4th edition of DGSN Open Days event in Fez, which coincided with the anniversary of DGSN creation. The event attracted an unprecedented 1,150,000 visitors over five days, while the official account of the event
on digital communication platforms was consulted by over 5 million visitors.

In the same vein, DGSN continued to implement its program to raise awareness in schools, bringing the number of beneficiaries in the first half of the current school year to 141,241 pupils in 1,816 educational institutions. DGSN also held regional and local coordination and consultation meetings with 1,821 associations and NGOs, focusing on issues linked to citizens’ expectations of the security institution.

The communication services also backed all major events organized in Morocco, including the annual meetings of the IMF and the World Bank, the 47th Conference of Arab Police and Security Chiefs, and continental and international sporting events held in Morocco.

In addition, in 2023, the communication services detected a total of 260 criminal contents of a violent nature, which were subjected to the necessary technical expertise and investigations before the publication of press released and clarifications about them within a t
imeframe that varies between one and five hours maximum, with a view to combating rumors and dispelling cases of feelings of insecurity that could be generated by these violent contents.
Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse