Eswatini Stresses ‘Pre-eminence’ of Autonomy Initiative as ‘Only Solution” to Moroccan Sahara Issue

“I take this opportunity to recall the pre-eminence of the autonomy initiative as the only serious and credible political solution to the regional dispute” over the Sahara, stressed the representative of Eswatini before the members of the 4th Committee of the UN General Assembly.

He, in this regard, highlighted the commitment of the Kingdom to the relaunch of the political process on the basis of the parameters of Security Council Resolution 2548, as well as the ceasefire, noting that his country describes as “positive step” the process of roundtable meetings that took place in Geneva with the participation of Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania and the polisario.

Reaffirming the “unwavering” support of Eswatini to the efforts of the UN Secretary General to achieve a realistic, pragmatic, sustainable and compromise political solution to the issue of the Moroccan Sahara, the diplomat said that the settlement of this regional dispute will strengthen cooperation between the Maghreb countries and will also contribute to the stability and security of the Sahel.

He also expressed the hope that the new personal envoy of the UN SG for the Moroccan Sahara, Staffan de Mistura continue the progress made during the two previous roundtable meetings, stressing that his country calls on the participants in this process “to engage in a spirit of realism and compromise to meet expectations”.

The representative of Eswatini also highlighted the “full” cooperation of Morocco with MINURSO during the “difficult” phase of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In addition, the diplomat highlighted the massive participation of the populations of the southern provinces in the triple vote of September 8 which took place in “exemplary” conditions, noting that this participation reflects the “irreversible” attachment of the local populations to the democratic process and their Moroccan identity.

He recalled the participation of local elected officials from the southern provinces in the proceedings of the Committee of 24 of the United Nations, at the invitation of the UN.

Hailing the “remarkable” efforts made by Morocco as part of the new development model in the southern provinces, which reflect the “full” commitment of the Kingdom to the welfare of local populations, he also said that his country supports the opening of consulates in the cities of Laayoune and Dakhla.

This dynamic reflects the long-term development of the Moroccan Sahara region, which offers the prospect of broader cooperation for the entire region.

The diplomat finally welcomed the “achievements” of Morocco in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic in the Moroccan Sahara region, through widespread access to vaccines.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse