Fisherman injured in an Israeli navy attack off Rafah

A Palestinian fisherman was injured this morning as Israeli occupation naval vessels attacked Palestinian fishing boats while operating a few miles off the coasts of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, according to local sources. WAFA correspondent said the Israeli naval forces indiscriminately opened fire and launched tear gas canisters toward the fishing boats that were operating off Rafah, injuring a fisherman with a live shot in his hand. The fisherman was rushed to hospital for medical treatment. Israeli naval forces frequently target Palestinian fishermen off the Gaza Strip, depriving them of their livelihood sources under safe and secure conditions. These attacks have become a daily occurrence, leaving the fishing community in constant fear and uncertainty. The ongoing harassment of Palestinian fishermen by Israeli naval forces raises concerns about the blatant violation of international maritime laws and human rights standards. The economic stability and well-being of the fishermen-led households in the Gaza Strip heavily rely on the ability of fishermen to access the sea for their work.

Source: En - Palestine news & Information Agency - WAFA