October 17, 2024

In a statement, the FMEJ recalls that it “never ceases to insist on respect for the dignity and rights of journalists, men and women, and to work for the strengthening of Maghreb media cooperation in the service of unity, progress and interests of peoples”, expressing “its condemnation and rejection of the repressive and misguided behavior of the Algerian authorities against professional Moroccan journalists who went to Algeria to cover the Arab Summit”.

The Federation underlines that it followed with “much anger and indignation” what the Moroccan delegation of the media underwent, and the illegal behavior which was reserved to it by the Algerian authorities.

According to the FMEJ, “what happened this time with the teams of the two Moroccan TV channels, Al Aoula and 2M, was not the first such action of the Algerian authorities against Moroccan journalists, but it has been repeated more than once during the coverage of all events held in Algeria”.

The Federation notes that “the colleagues of the two channels have told what happened to them in Algeria with the security services, restrictions and inappropriate treatment and the prohibition of exercising their professional duty, which confirms that they were intentionally targeted and illustrates the disengagement of the Algerian authorities from all their organizational and contractual obligations, as host country of the Arab Summit, in addition to the fact that such clumsy behavior is considered an infringement of the freedom of the press and the right of the media to carry out their mission in full freedom and independence”.

The FMEJ urged the League of Arab States, as the official organizer of the Arab summit, to assume its responsibility and express its position on the actions of the authorities of the host country, inviting international and regional organizations concerned with press freedom to “denounce what Moroccan media professionals have endured in Algeria”.

In addition, the federation called on professional organizations and stockholders in Algeria to “express their position on what happened and condemn the blunders of the Algerian authorities”.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse