Foreign Ministry calls for international intervention to stop implementation of disengagement law

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates today condemned the Israeli Defense Minister's decision to start implementing a law calling for canceling the disengagement from evacuated northern West Bank settlements, which means allowing extremist settlers to return to the Homesh outpost and legalizing it, calling for international intervention to stop the implementation of this law. It said in a statement that these decisions are colonial, expansionist, and racist, intended to annex the West Bank and fill it with settlements linked to Israel while turning the Palestinian areas into isolated, scattered, and geographically non-continuous communities as Israel races against time to kill any opportunity to establish the Palestinian state as per the two-state solution and United Nations resolutions. The ministry said that the absence of the international will to honor, implement and ensure the implementation of United Nations resolutions on the Palestinian cause, as well as the protection provided by some major countries to the occupying Power, encourages the Israeli government to persist in its defiance of international law, turn against the signed agreements and concentrate on liquidating the Palestinian cause and remove it from international concerns. The Israeli parliament, the Knesset, had passed in the second and third readings the law canceling the provisions in the 2005 Disengagement Law that led to the Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and the four settlements of Janim, Kadim, Homesh, and Sanor, in the north of the West Bank. The new law allows settlers to return to these dismantled settlements by canceling the clause that criminalizes return to the settlements, which were built on private Palestinian lands.

Source: En - Palestine news & Information Agency - WAFA